Complaints Procedure

Our Complaints Procedure
1. We have appointed Matthew Stephenson, 33 Broadwick Street, London, W1F 0DQ, telephone 0207 016 2022 to deal with your complaint. If you have a question, or if you would like to make a complaint, please don’t hesitate to contact him
2. If you have initially made your complaint verbally – whether face to face or over the phone – please also make it in writing, addressed to Matthew Stephenson, 33 Broadwick Street, London, W1F 0DQ or by email to This is to ensure that we fully understand exactly what your complaint is and have a written record of it. He will respond to you within three working days
3. The first stage of our complaints handling procedure will involve full consideration of your complaint by Matthew Stephenson – Director, on behalf of the business. We will try to resolve the complaint to your satisfaction. If you are happy with the outcome of his investigation into your complaint, the matter will conclude
4. We will consider your complaint as quickly as possible. We will provide you with a full response or, if that is not possible, an update on what is happening with your complaint, within 15 days.
5. All other matters will be dealt with by RICS Dispute Resolution Service, Surveyor Court, Westwood Way, Coventry, CV4 8JE; T: 020 7334 3806 and email: or such other suitable redress mechanism as agreed between us.